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Newfoundland: Finale | ![]() |
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August 19 - Day 104 - The Journey Home Begins Needless to say, I'll be summing things up when appropriate, especially during the two weeks in Toronto. Only travel and interesting events will be included. At 4 my alarm went off, and I was most thankful. To miss this ferry would have kept me here for three more days! By 4:30 I packed, and shortly thereafter I was at the shuttle bus to Argentia. After reconfiguring all of my gear, I took the seat off and used it as a knapsack This way the bike is significantly smaller. Nevertheless they charged me ten bucks extra to ship it. Fog. It's just as thick as yesterday, just as mysterious and mythical in nature. The Avalon Peninsula is well named indeed. I arrived in Newfoundland in fog, and so shall I leave it. Or so I thought. As soon we reached the port, the fog cleared. It's now a beautiful looking day. Perfect timing. I walked into the office to confirm my tickets, when I noticed some cyclists sleeping in the same room I was in a few days ago. One of the bikes was a tandem. A RED tandem. Two people sleeping together on the floor. It can't be... I peer inside the room and look at the sleeping figures. Ilan and Shannon. I almost yelled out right there and then, but I still had to get my bike taken off the bus and onto the baggage area, and I knew they must be dead tired, so I waited till my affairs were in order before walking back in. I just looked at them for a while, helmet on, smile on my face. Ilan was starting to wake up on his own. He looks at me with that "I just woke up" squint on his face. "No... way!" he says in disbelief. Shannon wakes up groggily, see me, and her eyes open wide. "We were just talking about you last night!" they blurt. We only have time for a very short reunion. I have to be on the boat in five minutes. But enough for hugs, handshakes, and a few brief stories. Apparently they had been hearing about me across Canada (which I will have to follow up on with them next time we speak), I told them about the Swedish (turned out to be Dutch) doppleganger. I gave them my last fax copy of the newspaper article and told them about the next one to be published. But then I had to go. I gave them Wyatt's phone number, seeing as they are going to be in Toronto in ten days, and I should still be there by then. We're hoping for a bit of a reunion. I think Erin and Linda might be there as well, have to wait and see. It was so good to see them again. My Sherpas from the Rockies. Seeing them here, I feel good about leaving Newfoundland. I know I'm not the only one who made it. I'm still smiling about it. It was what I had hoped for most of all. It is fit. I have this recurring daymare. It's terrifying. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up in Sasketch... Saketchew... 5 provinces ago. I picture myself stretching and yawning in my warm sleeping bag, suddenly realizing that the past two months haven't happened, and that I still have
4000 kilometers to go. Every night I keep thinking it's going to happen. Every day I make sure I'm really awake (I have had some very believable
and real dreams in the past, so much so that one day I woke up believing I had won fifty thousand dollars. I even triple checked to make sure I was
awake in that dream! Imagine the disappointment). So now it's just a matter of killing time and making transfers. I'll be staying at Ma and Pa's when I get into port (they offered, and seeing as I can't leave until tomorrow, how could I refuse?), and maybe a couple of interviews along the way. I only got two Newfoundland ones, however. That's not good. The movies are almost the same as before, so not much to do there. I've read all my books. I've used up all my provisions save for some oatmeal and one last Kraft Easy Mac (sans tuna). And there is no point in trying to talk to the Captain... This could be boring... I saw some porpoises (not dolphins) and a pod of whales. They were either Grey whales or Humpback whales, I can't be sure. I'm leaning towards
Humpback because of their color. Quite a site. Bored bored bored bored. Got into North Sydney around 9:30. Picked up my bike and headed to Ma and Pa's. They insisted I sleep indoors tonight (it was drizzling and very wet out), and were preparing supper in anticipation of my arrival. Maybe I'm just not used to this hospitality, but the second time around feels a little disconcerting. Almost creepy. I wonder if they had a son my
age that died or something? Ma actually kissed me on the lips (in a grandma kind of way, mind you, no tongue!), that's what made me
uncomfortable most. Still, I just suppose it's their way. No point in judging them harshly over it. Besides, I get to have another bath here! Dinner was fantastic. Mashed potatoes and pork chops (with lots of side dishes). The bed is comfortable, and I am tired. 'Night. June 6- Day 30 I'm writing this from Swift Current, Sask., where I rest and wait out the rest of the noon-to-two heat. I've done over 80km so far, and my average speed has so far been over 25kph! That's what happens when you have zero headwind. In fact, there might have been a little tailwind today, but if so it wasn't noticeable. The weather is supposed to get cooler and possibly rainy. I've seen no indication of that, but with this heat, cooler temps I can live with. I started the day a bit slow, not actually leaving town until after 8. I cut my tension bandage in half and put it on both knees, to be safe. There was
no sign of the ice cream lady who let me stay there, so I posted my farewell poem to the back door and was off... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! (just kidding) Onto Day 105-107... |